Pontifical Academy of Theology

Historical Notes


The Pontifical Theological Academy was founded in Rome and received its first statutes from Clement XI, in 1718. Created as the home of sacred sciences with a view to forming well prepared theologians, the Academy has the mission of promoting dialogue between faith and reason and of deepening Christian doctrine following the indications of the Holy Father (Cf. Inter Munera Academiarum, n. 5). The current tasks of theology were listed in numbers 92-99 of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio so as to present the Christian message in a way that meets the needs of our time. In furthering our understanding of the revealed truth, the Academicians must consider their task as "presenting the understanding of Revelation and the content of the faith" (Ibid., n. 93) which are expressed in time and in cultures, while superceding them. The perennial validity of those same dogmatic formulae, elaborated in different times and specific cultures, requires "the application of a hermeneutic open to the instance of metaphysics" (Ibid., n. 95) to shed light on the truth expressed in the area of these necessary conditions. So, one of the aims of the Academy is understanding revealed truth and its presentation to men and women of today, so that they might receive the message of Christ and incarnate it in their own lives and their own cultures, as an unending source of renewal, both in the field of faith and in the field of morals. For this, the Academy promotes the study of philosophical anthropology and the metaphysics of the good, in a profound dialogue between theology and the different philosophical currents "in view of the communication of the faith and of a deeper understanding of it" (Ibid., n. 98-99).


Home: Via della Conciliazione, 5, 00120 Vatican City

Tel. +39 0669882271

E-mail: path.segr@gmail.com 

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