Each youth is shaped by sex, class, place, cultural origins, religious beliefs, parents’ religion, personal history, and relations. No single person is the same as anyone else, but in the social circumstances we have today many characteristics unite people. This talk will look at the relation of adolescents to their bodies and the consumerist world. It will touch also on the question of dissatisfaction with life, the appeal of risk, and also the difficulty to grow up for many adolescents.
David Le Breton is Professor of sociology at the university of Strasbourg. He is a Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He has written En souffrance. Adolescence et entrée dans la vie (Métailié), Expériences de la douleur. Entre destruction et renaissance (Métailié) and Eclats de voix. Une anthropologie des voix (Métailié). In Italian his works include Passione del rischio (Gruppo Abele), Il mondo a piedi. Elogio della marcia, (Feltrinelli), Il sapore del mondo. Una antropologia dei sensi (Raffaello Cortina), La pelle et la traccia. Sulle ferite del se (Meltemi), Antropologia del dolore (Meltemi), Antropologia del corpo e modernità (Giuffré).